Capitola Wine Bar, nestled in the heart of this picturesque coastal haven, is a haven for relaxation and delight. Join us as we embark on an exclusive conversation with the visionary behind this unique establishment, Ann Marie Conrad. From the serenity of Monterey Bay...
In the heart of Capitola, a culinary gem thrives with a legacy woven from generations past and a commitment to community. Join us as we embark on an exclusive journey with the proprietor of Castagnola Deli, Daniel Castagnola. From the vibrant rhythms of the Village to...
Capitola, a coastal haven that whispers stories of happiness and relaxation, has become home to a place that epitomizes these very sentiments – Boba Bay. We had the privilege of sitting down with Cheryl Schneider, the visionary behind Boba Bay, to delve into her...
In the heart of Capitola Village lies a haven of artistic expression and community connection – Art Inspired. Join us as we delve into an exclusive conversation with the entrepreneur behind this vibrant establishment, Alyse Lattanzio. From the allure of...
Nestled along the picturesque Californian coastline lies a hidden gem that exudes charm, character, and a sense of belonging. Capitola, a quaint seaside village, has captured the hearts of both locals and visitors alike. Among the many small, independent businesses...