Nestled in the heart of Capitola, the Capitola Beach Company embodies the spirit and charm of this unique coastal town. Owner Matt Arthur shares his journey, the significance of Capitola, and what makes his business a beloved local treasure. A Deep-Rooted Connection...
Running a business in Capitola comes with its unique charm and community support. Ashley Cotta, the owner of Bare Skin + Body, shares her journey and experiences about her business and the special place that is Capitola. The Heart of Capitola’s Business...
Nestled in the heart of Capitola Village, Caruso’s has become a beloved local institution, renowned not only for its delectable offerings but also for its vibrant sense of community. We had the pleasure of speaking with the owner, Melissa Serriteno, who shared...
Uncover the magic of a girls’ staycation day in picturesque Capitola Village! Imagine a day filled with sunshine, laughter, and endless possibilities as you explore this charming coastal gem with your closest friends. Stop 1: Bare Skin and Body Photo by...
Welcome to Capitola Village, your perfect summer retreat! Nestled along the beautiful coast of Santa Cruz. Capitola offers a blend of coastal beauty, dining, and family-friendly activities. Here’s your ultimate 2 day itinerary for a memorable getaway. Day 1: Morning...